Kuwait Finance House participated in a US$ 20 million Murabaha transaction in favor of a Turkish food company in cooperation with foreign banks, as part of its continuous efforts to increase its international markets share and reinforce its cooperation with internal financial institutions and banks.
Mr. Anwar Mohammed Al-Bader, Assist. General Manager – Investment Sector, Said that KFH has participated in this one year transaction in favor of AK FOODS with US$ 10 million while the balance shall be financed by British bank HSBC and other investors.
He added that the transaction is a new step for KFH in the Turkish market in which it enjoys significant experience and credibility. This step has come as a result of the cooperation and alliance policy with major international banks, thus resulting into achievement of major projects in various markets and KFH keenness to invest in promising opportunities and developed markets.
Mr. Al-Bader said that this is the second deal which KFH finances in the Turkish market during this year following its participation in the Murabaha transaction in favor of a Turkish company TAV with US$ 60 million in cooperation with HSBC and other partners to develop International Istanbul Airport.
He considered that KFH investment activity in financing basic commodities and infrastructure projects locally and abroad represent KFH keenness to participate in developmental and service projects that would achieve the highest living levels. He indicated that KFH is committed to this obligation and aims to achieve profitability and international expansion of its activities.
AK FOODS is considered as one of the major food stuff manufacturers in Turkey. Exports have reached more than 80 countries worldwide. The company conducts its activities in four main fields which all relate to food industry in general.
International Murabaha
International Murabaha is a new form of a Sharia compliant Murabaha transactions which has carried KFH from the local market to international markets and from simple to strategic commodities. KFH applied this service along with other services such as Ijara, Istisnaa and other Sharia products to participate in major projects in Islamic countries.
International Murabaha is one of the main sources of diversified revenues where investment tenor and currency types are concerned. KFH customers are able to participate in this activity through “Monthly Murabaha” service provided through bank branches. This service shall grant customers access to international markets and provide them with accelerated cash flows with lower limits. Monthly Murabahas are available through KFH 27 branches at a minimum limit of KD 25 thousand and for a minimum one month investment period. Based on customer’s authorization KFH purchases and sells the merchandize on Murabaha basis in international markets.
KFH Investments in Turkey
KFH owns around 62% in KTEFH, which was incorporated in 1988 by KFH in cooperation with Public Institution for Social Securities, Islamic Development Bank and Turkish Department of Awkaaf. The bank’s capital was increased to US$ 75 million. The bank provides a high level banking services in addition to commercial, investment and real estate activities.
The bank, being one of 5 Islamic banks operating in Turkey, has 30 branches. The bank occupies the first rank in re