Kuwait Finance House "KFH" announces the update and develop of different bucket of wide spread services presented through iPhone and iPod Touch, all of which shall be available on KFHOnline website. KFH shall add a group of new services that make more features available for customers through such devices, the new features comes within continues efforts exerted by KFH team in order to get benefit of modern technical channels including smart cell phones and direct them for the assistance of its customers.
Systems Development Department Director, IT Sector, Mr. Maziad AbdulLateif AlMaziad stated in press release that "the added quantitative services enable customers from purchases prepaid cards of cell phones, transfer into KFH trading accounts, in addition to donate to charity committees, through using same username and passport of KFHoniline service at any time anywhere fenced with full protection and security.
AlMaziad added "these new services crowned another groups that was announced for previously including display summary of statements of accounts and deposit, display detailed statement of accounts, conduct financial transfers among private accounts of customer, conduct financial transfers into another KFH accounts, pay of due services bills, inform lost and theft of a credit card, and display details of commercial transactions and payments"
AlMaziad assured that "Baitak remarkable improvement and development has no limits as it gets the date of art of modern technical channels in banking field in favor of its customers, it outpaces to continuous update for how to get benefit of such channels, the matter made from KFH experience in technical industry as point of interest either inside or outside Kuwait, assuring his appreciation for positive respond of customers for whatever provided from new services by Baitak through iphones and other developed channels, as good evidence of our customers trust is the audience positive response and their keen to track the new presented services by KFH"
AlMaziad stated: "Position of Baitak as one of largest financial institutions, interface of Islamic financial institutions either in our region or worldwide, lasting performing for launching new and innovative services and products, in addition to the increasing eager from inside and outside customers on such services and products, all of which enforced us to continue in our lasting development in presenting services beyond geographic borders and overcomes any hardships that may stand in front of serving customers with complete easiness and comprehension.