Kuwait Finance House (KFH) held a training course for its employees to shed light on Islamic banking services and products, in order to increase their awareness, and develop their skills, which will allow them to meet the latest developments in the field of Islamic banking.
The three-day course discussed several forms of sales and contracts, such as Ijarah, Murabaha, loans, monetary sales, Tawarruq, and others. This course aims to introduce employees to Islamic banking, and cementing the concept of Islamic finance in the minds of the employees. KFH seeks to reinforce and hone the skills of its employees, and raise their awareness; especially that KFH has always been keen to develop the skills of employees, in order to allow them to hold high administrative posts.
Those training courses are very interesting to the trainees who expressed their high appreciation of the topics covered in such courses, since they form the foundation of Islamic banking. This further underlines KFH’s status as the best Islamic bank, in light of the growing demand for Islamic banking services in Kuwait and worldwide.