Kuwait Finance House Turkey (Kuveyt Turk) sponsored the restoration works and reopening of the historical Ortokay mosque that is one of the most precious monuments that shape the identity of Istanbul.
The reopening ceremony was attended by the Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, Managing Director of Foundations Adnan Ertem, Vice Chairman of the Board of Kuveyt Turk Abdullah Tivnikli, CEO of Kuveyt Turk Ufuk Uyan, other top management executives of Kuveyt Turk, and guests invited.
Acting International Banking General Manager at KFH, Ahmad Al-Kharji, represented KFH in the reopening ceremony that attracted a large number of spectators. He stated that Kuwait Finance House (KFH) the main owner of “Kuveyt Turk” contributes to development of this country and this industry on the one hand, and realizes precious social responsibility projects in the light of our strongly anchored values on the other hand.
Al-Kharji explained that after supporting the restoration works for KFH is very happy to have contributed in survival of this mosque housing the spiritual traces of both the ages it bore witness and the respected people who had come here to pray.”
He added that sponsoring the restoration of the mosque highlights the fact that KFH businesses and activities are not limited to banking only; KFH assumes the social responsibility in all its fields which constitute a main pillar of its robust position. In addition, the sponsorship of the restoration underlines KFH’s identity in Islamic banking industry.
It’s worth noting that Ortakoy Mosque, located by the sea at Ortakoy district of Istanbul, has just opened for service after the restoration works started in 2011 and sponsored by Kuveyt Turk Participation Bank were completed.