“Global Finance” has named Kuwait finance House (KFH) the safest Islamic institution in Kuwait, and the third in the GCC for the year 2014. This ranking confirms KFH’s robust position and prudent decisions, in addition to the sound pursued procedures and regulations.
As part of an exclusive survey to be published in the November 2014 issue, KFH was selected through an evaluation of long term credit ratings from Moody’s Standard& poor’s, and Fitch- and total assets of the 500 largest banks worldwide.
The full report evaluates the safest banks globally, as well as by region in Western Europe, Central& Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East& Africa, North America, Latin America and Australia. The magazine has noted that Islamic finance has been expanding continuously and is now a significant form of financing in many of the world’s most advanced financial markets. It added that Sharia-compliant assets now account for USD 1.7 trillion of assets held by banks, and the figure continues to grow.
It’s worth noting that "KFH" has taken the top spot among banks locally and the 161st place globally, among the list issued by "The Banker" international magazine, the affiliate of Group "Financial Times Group" among the best Top 1000 banks worldwide. In addition, KFH was awarded “Best Global Islamic Financial Institution” from Global Finance.