Kuwait Finance House (KFH) launched a marketing campaign themed “Our Returns… Makes us Different” in efforts to shed light on the characteristics and features of its investment deposits represented by flexibility, diversity, competitive returns, and the investment rates. These features are uniquely attached to KFH that unremittingly endeavors to deliver the best investment products in an attempt to cater for customers’ satisfaction and needs, yet to fully meet their aspirations.
KFH’s pillars are firmly consolidated by its pioneering in offering a wide range of investment products and vessels in line with its strategy of increasing its market share, whilst attracting new customers and rendering the best service in accordance with highest standards of quality, accuracy and security.
The remarkable turnout on KFH’s deposits reiterates customers’ satisfaction and reflects their recognition and appreciation to the various investment vessels that encompass AlDimah deposit that provides fruitful investment returns quickly and throughout the year, starting from one up to 12 months, therefore enabling customers to earn monthly or quarterly returns without having to wait until the maturity date. Moreover, KFH offers the Continuous investment deposit with competitive returns. The profits are distributed at the end of the fiscal year of the bank. The bank also offers the 5 years investment deposit with a 100% return on investment, annual profit distribution and other unique benefits.
KFH offers a wide range of deposits that suit all segments of customers. Its innovative deposits can be opened through the wide network of branches, E-channels and ATM Machines.
KFH works tirelessly to maintain its pioneering position. The bank has become a role model for financial institutions to follow suit in terms of volume of services, diversification of products, growth, and geographical expansion which gives an impetus for further success and leadership under the umbrella of Islamic banking.