The Manpower Development Department Manager at the Restructuring Program Eman Al-Ansari applauded Kuwait Finance House (KFH) efforts in recruiting Kuwaitis, training them, and assigning them to work at various KFH sectors, since this role coincides with Kuwait's plans in the employment field.
it is worth noting that 34 new distinguished employees at KFH training program have been honored in 2012. she explained that working at the private sector is considered to be a unique experience to develop, since it allows employees to innovate and be creative. she asserted that the Restructuring Program seeks to support youths in the financial, administrative and morals fields. she also underlined the strong relationshipbetween the program and KFH that was established eight years ago, which allowed hundreds of new graduates to work at KFH.
Meanwhile, AGM for Support Services Sector at KFH Abdul Aziz Al-Jaber stressed that the bank's strategy focuses on developing employees, since they are considered the bank's real assets. he added that KFH hired 220 Kuwaiti employees this year in collaboration with the program, and noted that the strategic partnership between both parties since 2004 has led to the training and recruitment of 1075 Kuwaitis. he added that KFH implemented 58 training programs within the past eight years in the fields of banking operations and products, money laundry, Shariah, investment methods, legal aspects, and means of technology. he revealed that employees were trained in 275 hours in that training program, and all lecturers were KFH employees who have certified degrees. This role aims to improve the educational level of new graduates, in order to allow them to perform efficiently at work, not to mention raising their awareness and knowledge about Islamic banking.