Kuwait Finance House (KFH) Public Relations team demonstrated the bank’s more prominent activities and accomplishments made during the past years, as part of its social responsibility. It is worth noting that KFH received a number of GUST students who major in the PR field.
PR team members Abdullah Al-Said and Hala Al-Humaidi shed light on KFH’s strategy whether internally for its employees, or externally with the public. They also gave examples and models of practical methods used in executing PR programs through planning and determining goals, in addition to means to measure results. The team asserted that KFH is keen to take part in various awareness campaigns that are as important as promotional campaigns for products and services, since KFH firmly believes that such a role contributes to the development of the society. The PR team mentioned that KFH took part in a cardiac campaign at Salam Hospital last year, in collaboration with the Kuwaiti Heart Association. The campaign led to the graduation of many teachers who passed a first aid course.
Moreover, the team underlined the role played by public relations in binding employees to each other, and also binding those employees to the executive management through several innovative methods, which allows the employee to be part of the success of KFH.
Furthermore, the team pointed out that KFH has public relations programs for various age groups and segments of the society from both genders, in addition to people with special needs, and the public and private sectors. KFH is also eager to play a prominent role in vital fields, such as education, health, security, youths, and other awareness campaigns, since such efforts improve the living standards of the society.
The participants stressed the importance of having skillful public relation employees who master the arts of taking correct decisions, being innovative, and being able to self-develop.