(KFH) announced the launch of " Jameati Account for Higher Education", this account is a new saving & investment account specifically designed to save for higher education.
Human Resources Department Manager Mohammed Al-Jallal stated that the bank has organized in October several high level training courses for its employees.
(KFH) has formed an investment partnership with Grosvenor Investment Management US, Inc. (GIM), to invest in up to $600 million of U.S. healthcare-related real estate.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry Undersecretary Abdul Aziz Al-Khaldi applauded Kuwait Finance House (KFH) and its economic role, in addition to its local and global real estate expertise.
وقع بيت التمويل الكويتي "بيتك" إتفاقية شراكة مع شركة جروفنرز((Grosvenor الأمريكية لإستثمار 600 مليون دولار أمريكي في مجال مراكز الرعاية الصحية والمراكز الطبية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
بحث "بيتك" مع شركة هيونداي العالمية سبل توسيع التعاون بين الجانبين في الأنشطة والأعمال المشتركة في مجال السيارات ،باعتبار المكانة الكبيرة لشركة هيونداى في السوق الكوري والموقع المتميز لبيتك محلياً
Acting CEO Emad Al-Thaqeb stated during an interview with CNBC Arabia that despite the negative impact of the global financial crisis on the Kuwaiti real estate sector, this impact remains less ..
(KFH) CEO Mohammed Al-Omar highlighted the importance of the United States’ market, especially in the real estate investment field.
(KFH) launched a strategic partnership with IHG - Kuwait for its clients with prepaid cards (Al-Kheir, Al-Osra, Hessabi) in conjunction with Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG).
A delegation from (KFH) visited Hyundai at its headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, after receiving an invitation from the company.
Acting Legal Department Manager Mansour Abo Obaid that KFH filed a case because it is not subjected to the fees of lands that were stipulated in Maw (8) for year 2008
(KFH) issued a new report concerning its efforts in the field of sustainable development, which focuses on economic growth, preservation of environment and natural resources, and social development.
The Fatwa and Shariah Supervisory Authority at (KFH) mourned Islamic economy icon Ahmed Al-Yasseen, who was one of KFH’s founders and head of the authority for many years.
فقدت الكويت أحد أبرز رجالاتها في مجال الاقتصاد وهو العم أحمد بزيع الياسين -رئيس مجلس إدارة "بيتك" منذ التأسيس وحتى عام 1993م، ورئيس هيئة الفتوى والرقابة الشرعية في الفترة ما بين 1997-2010م.
Capital Intelligence rating agency has affirmed the ratings assigned to Kuwait Finance House (KFH). Foreign Currency Long and Short term ratings are ‘A+’ and ‘A1’ respectively