05 / 12 / 2012

أكد نائب مدير إدارة التسويق والعلاقات العامة سعيد توفيقي على أهمية مهنة المحاسبة بإعتبارها من المهن التي يحتاجها كل مجتمع ينشد التطور والتقدم مشددا على أهمية معيار "القوي الأمين" في هذه المهنة

04 / 12 / 2012

The Manpower Development Department Manager at the Restructuring Program Eman Al-Ansari applauded (KFH) efforts in recruiting Kuwaitis, training them, and assigning them to work ...

02 / 12 / 2012

Mr. Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem declared that (ESCWA) , Central Statistical Bureau & KFH - Research are currently considering the preparation of economic indicators for the private sector

01 / 12 / 2012

South Korean ambassador in Kuwait applauded the efforts exerted by (KFH) in constantly supporting the local market in the cars field, since these efforts led to excellent results

30 / 11 / 2012

7 clients won iPhone5 during the eighth draw. This draw is part of a three-month campaign that encourages clients to use KFH credit and banking cards while making purchases.

29 / 11 / 2012

CEO Mohammed Al-Omar explained that KFH seeks to expand its existence in overseas markets, if good opportunities for the establishing of profitable investments arise.

28 / 11 / 2012

(KFH) board decided during its meeting on November 26th to increase its capital by 20%. The rate will be determined later after obtaining necessary approvals from supervisory authorities.

27 / 11 / 2012

(KFH) AGM for Commercial Sector Ahmed Al-Khaled said that the relationship between the bank and Arabian Motors Group (AMG) was established years ago.

26 / 11 / 2012

The World Diabetes Day that was sponsored by Kuwait Finance House (KFH) and organized by Dasman Diabetes Institution was attended by over 1000 people from various ages

25 / 11 / 2012

(KFH) Chief Retail Banking Officer Mohammed Al-Fozan said that KFH will complete to support distinguished employees who offer valuable contributions in the service field

17 / 11 / 2012

KFH-Turkey’s release of its net profit figures for the first 9 months of 2012 has coincided with the credit rating upgrade decision by Fitch

04 / 11 / 2012

KFH-Research inked a memorandum of understanding with the World Bank to reinforce ongoing efforts to monitor the development of Islamic finance sector in terms of growth.

01 / 11 / 2012

CEO Mohammed Al-Omar asserted that the profits achieved by KFH at the end of Q3 are operative profits, and that its growth reflects solid business structure and optimum operative performance.

25 / 10 / 2012

Chairman Mohammed Al-Khudairi announced that KFH has achieved total revenues of KD 611.9 million up to the Third Quarter of 2012 with an increase of KD 34.7 million ...

22 / 10 / 2012

(KFH) held a meeting on Monday 22-10-2012 and assigned Mohammed Al-Khodairi as chairman after the resignation of Sameer Al-Nafisi.


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